Orthogonal Drawings for Plane Graphs with Specified Face Areas

Autor: Hiroshi Nagamochi, Akifumi Kawaguchi
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783540725039
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-72504-6_53
Popis: We consider orthogonal drawings of a plane graph G with specified face areas. For a natural number k, a k-gonal drawing of G is an orthogonal drawing such that the outer cycle is drawn as a rectangle and each inner face is drawn as a polygon with at most k corners whose area is equal to the specified value. In this paper, we show that several classes of plane graphs have a k-gonal drawing with bounded k; A slicing graph has a 10-gonal drawing, a rectangular graph has an 18-gonal drawing and a 3-connected plane graph whose maximum degree is 3 has a 34- gonal drawing. Furthermore, we showed that a 3-connected plane graph G whose maximum degree is 4 has an orthogonal drawing such that each inner facial cycle c is drawn as a polygon with at most 10pc +34 corners, where pc is the number of vertices of degree 4 in the cycle c.
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