Fluxes and Loading of Heavy Metals, Benzo[a]pyrene and Oil Products in Vilnius City

Autor: D. Valiulis, J. Šakalys, A. Milukaite
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus. 8:485-494
ISSN: 1573-2940
Popis: The concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Hg, benzo[a]pyrene and oil products (C15–C28) in bulk (wet and dry) atmospheric deposition in Vilnius city in 2005–2006 were analysed. The highest flux to the ground surface of the city residential area, reaching 1,680 mg m−2 year−1, was determined for oil products, which in atmospheric bulk deposition was estimated to be mainly in the form of solid sediments. Among heavy metals, the highest flux was determined for Zn (113.5 mg m−2 year−1), while the lowest flux was determined for Hg (0.06 mg m−2 year−1). The flux of investigated pollutants ranges from a few times, or for some pollutants, up to one order of magnitude higher at the urban sampling site in comparison to residential or background sites. Some hundred tons of oil products, approximately 52 tons of zinc and a considerably lower amount of mercury, benzo[a]pyrene and cadmium deposit yearly to the ground and water surface of Vilnius city. Metallic constructions related to transport and buildings, automobile exhausts, spills of fuel and lubricants are suggested to be the factors which result in the accumulation of high amounts of heavy metals, oil products and other pollutants on the ground surface of the city.
Databáze: OpenAIRE