GPS Receivers Spoofing Detection Based on Subtractive, FCM and DBSCAN Clustering Algorithms

Autor: Z. Sarpanah, M. R. Mosavi, E. Shafiee
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers.
ISSN: 1793-6454
DOI: 10.1142/s0218126623501529
Popis: GPS receivers have a wide range of applications, but are not always secure. A spoofing attack is one source of conscious errors in which the counterfeit signal overcomes the authentic GPS signal and takes control of the receiver’s operation. Recently, GPS spoofing attack detection based on computational algorithms, such as machine learning, classification, wavelet transform and clustering, has been developing. This paper proposes multiple clustering algorithms for accurately clustering the authentic and spoofing signals, called subtractive, FCM and DBSCAN clustering. The spoofing attack is recognized using two distinct features: moving phase detector variance and norms of correlators. Spoofing and authentic signals have different patterns in the proposed features. According to the Dunn and Silhouette indexes, the validation of the results is investigated. The Dunn values for the proposed approaches are 0.8592, 0.5285 and 0.6039 for DBSCAN, FCM and subtractive clustering, respectively. Also, the DBSCAN algorithm is implemented at the RTL level because of its highest value for the Dunn index and algorithm verifiability. Using the Vivado tools, this algorithm is implemented and designed on a Xilinx Virtex 7 xc7vx690tffg1930-3 hardware device for two-dimensional data with 32-bit accuracy and 130 data points.
Databáze: OpenAIRE