Technology Transfer in a Time of Transition

Autor: Beverly J. Berger
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: From Lab to Market ISBN: 9781489911452
Popis: This is a time of extraordinary transitions for the nation’s federal laboratories. The defense laboratories, of course, have been most profoundly affected by the end of the Cold War, which development alters their missions radically. But nondefense laboratories and the agencies that fund them also must adapt to a changing environment. Widespread concern about American competitiveness in a global economy places a premium on efficient utilization of federally funded technological resources. A large and growing federal deficit squeezes laboratory budgets and forces laboratories to look for customers and partners outside the federal government. An energetic new Administration seeks ways to “reinvent” government at all levels and is open to creative proposals to reduce costs and increase productivity, while also advancing American technology. Congress always plays an important role in reshaping federal programs and facilities, and many members of Congress have a strong interest in issues related to technology and industry; the largest Congressional caucus is the Caucus on Competitiveness.
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