Assessing the Response Timeliness to Threats as an Important Element of Cybersecurity: Theoretical Foundations and Research Model

Autor: Artem Sychev, Tatyana Mescheryakova, Elvira Abacharaeva, Anna Ushakova, Elena Smirnova, Mikhail Sychev, Sergey V. Skryl
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Communications in Computer and Information Science ISBN: 9783030297497
Popis: Currently, the theory of information security provides effective measures to ensure the protection of information in computer systems (CS), cyber-physical systems, etc. However, there is a need to develop specific elements of mathematical representation of indicators of timely response to threats to the security of computer information to support intelligent systems of cybersecurity. The article substantiates the need to take into account the moments of threats and the beginning of a response to their manifestations in the formalized representation of processes using the classical theory of probability. Theoretical conclusions are tested on the example of malware flow, for this purpose a functional model of anti-virus protection mechanisms is developed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE