A novel mask-based approach to improve low-k1 corner and angle definition in alternating-aperture phase-shift mask structures

Autor: Kent H. Nakagawa, Susan S. MacDonald, David Siefers, Peter D. Buck
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Optical Microlithography XVIII.
Popis: A novel approach to improve the imaging of the critical magnetic pole structure in the disk drive read head is introduced. A 90-degree sub-resolution opening is added to an alternating aperture phase shift mask to reduce a strong proximity effect in the non-Manhattan tapered section, while maintaining the enhanced printability of the linear segment of the pole region.. Simulation indicates that this opening provides a method to correct the observed distortion in the printed edge without reducing the effectiveness of the altPSM character of the pole itself. We have designed test patterns with this concept and built photomasks to evaluate mask manufacturability and to empirically test the impact of the 90-degree window on final pattern fidelity on wafer. Preliminary results indicate positive correction effects, as well as some potential issues which may be resolved using additional, established correction approaches.
Databáze: OpenAIRE