'Aghi nel pagliaio'. La repubblicana Alda Aghi prima assessora al Comune di Ancona

Autor: Lidia Pupilli
Rok vydání: 2015
ISSN: 1120-4206
Popis: The essay attempts to outline the political itinerary of the first alderwoman in Ancona’s post-war Municipal Administration. In 1946 Alda Aghi was elected town councillor of Ancona: as alder-woman she dealt with education and had to cope with the aftermath of the huge destruction of school buildings caused by the war. She also played an important role in the local Women’s Repub-lican Movement. Interviewed many years later on those times, Aghi would talk about them as a wonderful experience, although emphasizing her "unpolitical" work, such as supplying food and clothes to families. In general, there are not plenty of sources on these first female councillors and Aghi’s case study seems to confirm it. The surname Aghi in Italian means "needles" so, playing on words, we could say that finding exhaustive sources to outline Aghi’s political choices is almost like looking for "needles in a haystack".
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