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Turkish Abstract: Din, bir fenomen olarak tarihin her doneminde dusunsel ve simgesel boyutta varligini koruyarak insanlari ve toplumlari etkilemistir. Sosyolojik analizde Tanri'nin askinligi insana ozgu bir ickinlikle anlam kazanmaktadir. Ozne ve nesne arasindaki diyalektik surec gerceklik duzleminde devam ettigi muddetce dinin icsel ve dissal yansimalari tarihin hafizasinda yer tutmaya devam edecektir. Bilginin gercekligi algi ve dusunce boyutunda tecrube edildikce yeni paradigmalar ve sorunsalliklar ortaya cikmaya devam edecektir. Bu baglamda Durkheim ogretisi, din sosyolojisinde onemli paradigmalarin onculu olarak kendini konumlandirmistir. Onemli bir dusunur olarak Durkheim, din sosyolojisi alaninda yaptigi calismalarla sadece kendi donemini etkilememis gunumuze de fikirleriyle ulasmayi basarmistir. Bu calismada, Din Sosyolojisinin onemli kuramcilarindan Durkheim'in dusunceleri ve toplumsal din kuramina katkilari birey-din-toplum duzleminde incelenecektir. English Abstract: Religion, as a phenomenon, has affected people and societies by preserving their presence in the intellectual and symbolic dimension at every stage of history. In sociological analysis, God's transcendence gains meaning with a human-specific intuition. As long as the dialectical process between the subject and the object continues at the level of reality, the internal and external reflections of religion will continue to take place in the memory of history. New paradigms and problems will continue to emerge as the reality of knowledge is experienced in perception and thought. In this context, the Durkheim doctrine has positioned itself as a precursor of important paradigms in sociology of religion. As an important thinker, Durkheim began to work with the work of the sociology of religion through his day-to-day ideas, which has not only influenced his era but contemporary world as well. In this study, the ideas of Durkheim, one of the important theorists of the sociology of religion, and his contributions to the social theory of religion will be examined in the individual religion-society plane. |