Genetic Diversity Analysis of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes at Arsi-Robe, Southeastern Ethiopia

Autor: Gizachew Yilma Kebede, Gebeyaw Achenef Haile
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Plant. 9:58
ISSN: 2331-0669
Popis: Chickpea is an important pulse crop in Ethiopia; however, the production of the crop is not at its potential due to many constraints of which limited availability of high yielding varieties. Thus the main objectives of this study were to assess the magnitude of genetic diversity among kabuli chickpea genotypes for yield and yield related traits. Forty nine kabuli chickpea genotypes were evaluated for 11 traits in 2019/20 at Arsi Robe using 7 x 7 simple lattice designs with two replications. The analysis of variance result showed significant differences among genotypes. Cluster analysis showed the existence of wide variability among genotypes and grouped into six clusters. Maximum inter cluster distances were observed from cluster-IV and III followed by cluster IV and V, and cluster II and IV, while minimum inter cluster distances were found between cluster II and VI followed by cluster III and VI. The first three principal components explained about 66.1% of the total variations among the 49 kabuli chickpea genotypes. The first component accounts 34.58% of the total variation. It provides better opportunity for plant breeders to select parental materials to use for crossing in the breeding program. However, it requires multi-location and year trials to verify the consistency of existing genotypic variability.
Databáze: OpenAIRE