Petrology of the explosive deposits from the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière volcano, St Vincent: a time-series analysis of microlites

Autor: H. M. Frey, M. R. Manon, J. Barclay, B. V. Davies, S. A. Walters, P. D. Cole, T. E. Christopher, E. P. Joseph
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 539
ISSN: 2041-4927
Popis: After more than three months of lava dome extrusion, La Soufrière (St. Vincent) transitioned to a series of explosive eruptions in April 2021. Here we present a time-series petrologic analysis of the phenocryst and microlite populations during the first ∼48 hours of explosivity to constrain ascent conditions and processes that drove changes in behavior. Primary eruptive products were crystal-rich (45-50 vol%) basaltic andesites with similar phenocryst phase assemblages and compositions. The change in eruptive style is consistent with overpresurization as a consequence of second boiling from anhydrous microlite crystallization. The microlites display variation between the explosive phases, with two populations: 1) “inherited” - normally zoned high-An plagioclase (>An 70 ) + olivine (Fo 62-79 ) + clinopyroxene + titanomagnetite, inferred to have crystallized at depths >15 km and high water pressures; 2) “juvenile” - unzoned plagioclase (An 45-65 ) + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + intermediate pyroxene (Wo 12-38 ) + titanomagnetite, inferred to have crystallized upon ascent due to decompression and degassing. Scoria from the first explosions featured extensive groundmass crystallization and a significant “inherited” microlite population. Later explosions had a more abundant “juvenile” microlite population and lower crystallinity, consistent with more rapid ascent from depth, initiated by decompression following initial blasts and destruction of the lava dome. Supplementary material at
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