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The evaluation comprised eight targeted trenches, placed to provide sufficient coverage of the site and to enable the assessment of the presence/absence of archaeology within the site. Five trenches (T3, T4, T5, T6 and T9) had a significant number of land drains within them. Trenches 3 and 5 were both targeted at a possible former field boundary on the eastern side of the central hedge-line but no feature was identified. Trench 2 was placed in a revised location due to the construction of house foundations prior to ARS Ltd's first attendance on site. This area had already been stripped of topsoil and some subsoil. A clay capping layer was identified that overlay a deposit of 19th and 20th century waste material which aligned with the edge of a geophysical anomaly. Trench 7 was targeted at the foot of a slope where historic mapping suggested a pond had previously been and where geophysical survey detected an anomaly. In the scarped area several clay and peat deposits lay directly underneath the subsoil. Several land drains were observed running into the area and may have been placed to drain water to this specific area. Trench 8 was targeted at an anomaly where there may have been a ditch or land drain. Upon excavation there was no apparent source for the anomaly but two natural gullies were found in close proximity. |