Muscular Biofeedback System for the Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity

Autor: Gabriela Poveda, Andrés Rosales, Maria Fernanda Trujillo Guerrero
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS).
DOI: 10.1109/inciscos.2018.00008
Popis: In the process of muscular rehabilitation, better results can be reached through a complete evaluation of the muscles by identifying the vulnerable muscles and allowing methods to release unnecessary tension. For this reason, the present project focus on a muscular biofeedback system oriented to the acquisition of muscular signals, process those signals and send out indicators, with the purpose to become an accessible and a low-cost physical tool, which helps to rehabilitate or train the upper extremity. This tool allows to establish the condition of the muscle during the physical therapy, the quality of the execution of the exercises and the progress in each session of the rehabilitation done by the patients to understand objectively the result of the muscular activity due to the data record of each patient.
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