Withdrawal Aleukocytosis in Experimental Peritonitis

Autor: Carlos A. Pons, William P. Belk, Joseph M. Gannon
Rok vydání: 1935
Zdroj: American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 5:225-230
ISSN: 1943-7722
Popis: During the last decade advances in hematology have brought about increased understanding and application of the changes in the peripheral blood in cases of infection. The modifications of the Arneth count, subdividing the polymorphonuclear neutrophiles into unsegmented or juvenile and segmented or mature, and the correlation of the relation of young and mature cells to infective processes have been widely emphasized. •These qualitative changes should be of great value to many surgeons who are disappointed when, in the face of a severe inflammatory process such as peritonitis, the clinical pathologist fails to obtain the expected increase in leukocytes. Such an experience is more common than is generally realized and the tendency is to either discredit or disregard the blood values reported. One of us (C. A. P.) has during the last year seen more than ten cases, of which the following are typical
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