«Дійство про Юрія-Переможця» Юрія Косача: номінативний аспект авторської стратегії діалогізму

Autor: Maria Reutova
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Актуальні проблеми української літератури і фольклору. :44-57
ISSN: 2308-1902
DOI: 10.31558/2308-1902.2017.25.4
Popis: It was found out that the drama “Action about George the Victorious” is marked by a tendency toward intertextuality, which is an intentional manifestation of author’s will, that is, consciousness and planned intention of the writer to abandon the creation of an objective picture of the world in favor of the reproduction of numerous of its versions. It is substantiated that the text of the drama is polyphonic education, which is facilitated by the symbolization of the text field, the articulation of nominations, allusions, reminiscences, and other markers of the dialogicity of copyright broadcasting. The title of the dramatic piece appears as an explicit form of expression of the author's intertextual strategy, has a referential-illusory character and appeals to the text “The Word of St. George, the Knight of Cappadocia”. The dramatist, drawing on the canonical text, interprets it in accordance with the Ukrainian events of 1677, in particular the restoration of hetmanization of Yuri Khmelnitsky in the Right-Bank Ukraine. The title “The Struggle for Yuri-Winner” focuses on the poetry of the mysterious drama, since the writer introduces in the title the token “action” characteristic of mysterious works (“Action on the Passion of Christ written down”, “The Action on Adam”, “The Action on Daniil”, etc.). The stylisation of the mystery drama is a purposeful author’s strategy, which performs primarily a factual function of intertextuality, and also manifests itself as a constructive, predominantly implicit expression of intertextuality, based on the proximity and insignificant distances of text plans.
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