Pseudoodes coelestinus Gu��orguiev & Liang 2020, comb. n
Autor: | Gu��orguiev, Borislav, Liang, Hongbin |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.4479990 |
Popis: | 4. Pseudoodes coelestinus (Chaudoir, 1882), comb. n. (Figs 6 A���G, Figs 7 A���D, Table 2) Oodes coelestinus Chaudoir, 1882: 363 (type locality: ���Sarawack���). = Simous viridissimus Louwerens, 1951: 128 (type locality: ���East Borneo: Samarinda���), syn. n. References. Oodes coelestinus: Andrewes 1927: 109 (type depository); Andrewes 1930: 238 (���Borneo.���); Lorenz 1998: 305; Lorenz 2005: 325. Oodes (Oodes) coelestinus: Csiki 1931: 1007 (���Sarawak���). Simous viridissimus: Lorenz 1998: 305; Lorenz 2005: 326. Type material. Oodes coelestinus Chaudoir: holotype ♀, relatively well-preserved, missing right antennomeres 7���11 and left middle leg (Fig. 6A), labelled as follows, ���41665 [w, p] // Type [r, p] // coelestina Chaud. [w, h] // Sarawak. Coll. Schaum [y, h]��� (MFNB, box nr. Oodini I). Typematerial. Simousviridissimus Louwerens: holotype ♀,relativelywell-preserved,missingrightantennomeres 8���11, left protibia and left protarsomeres 1-5, left mesotarsomere 5, left metatibia and left metatarsomeres 1-5, and right metatarsomeres 1���5 (Fig. 6D). The specimen is labelled as follows, ���S. E. Borneo Samarinda I. 1939 M. E. Walsh ded. [w, p] // Museum Leiden ex.collection C.J. Louwerens rec. 1979 [w, p] // Typus Simous viridissimus Louw. det. C. J. Louwerens [w, h/p] // Type [r, p] // Simous viridissimus [w, p] / 743 [y, h]��� (RMNH). Other material examined. BRUNEI: Temburong District: 1♂, ��� BRUNEI; x���1992 Temburong District Ridge NE of Kuala Belalong. 300m. / 125W MV Light Trap J H Martin coll. BMNH(E)1992���172��� (BMNH). MALAYSIA: Perak State: 2♀♀, ���MALAYSIA Tapah, 20km on Tanah Rata road // V.1987. leg. B. Moln��r��� (HNHM). Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur: 1♂, ���MALAYA Kuala Lumpur at light April [illegible] 1931 H. M. Pendlebury // Oodes coelestinus (over) Chaud. H.E.Andrewes det. [front side] Determined from my notes on the type (Berlin) [backside, handwritten by H.E. Andrewes]��� (BMNH). Sarawak State: 1♂, 1♀, ���Mulu nat. Park Sarawak, Borneo��� (NMW, ex-coll. Schubert); 1♂, 2♀♀, ���Kuching Sarawak 6.8.1961 // at light��� (BMNH); 1♀, ���BORNEO, Sarawak Long L��ma 18���28.IV.1987. leg. B. Moln��r��� (HNHM); 1♂, ���BORNEO, Sarawak Kapit 9.V.1987. leg. B. Moln��r��� (HNHM). Sabah State: 1♀, ���Sabah, Malaysia Tenom X.160 J.T.S. Pan // at light 22.IV.1973.��� (BMNH); 3♀♀, ���Tawau���Sabah E. Malaysia 29. 4. 1996 ��� (cSF); 1♂, ���BORNEO, Sabah Mount Trus Madi 14���viii���2005 Steven Chew leg. BMNH(E) 2006���36��� (BMNH); 1♀, ���Borneo, Sabah, Keningau district, Jungle Girl Camp. N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182m; Shi H.L. & Liu Y. lgt. light trap Ins. Zoo., CAS 2016.IV.24 N [night]��� (IZAS); 1♂, ���Borneo, Sabah, Keningau district, Jungle Girl Camp. N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182m; Shi H.L. & Liu Y. lgt. light trap Ins. Zoo., CAS 2016.IV.29 N [night]��� (IZAS); 1♀, ���Borneo, Sabah, Keningau district, Jungle Girl Camp. N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182m; Shi H.L. & Liu Y. lgt. light trap Ins. Zoo., CAS 2016.IV.30 N [night]��� (IZAS); 1♂, ���Borneo, Sabah, Keningau district, Jungle Girl Camp. N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182m; Shi H.L. & Liu Y. lgt. light trap Ins. Zoo., CAS 2016.V.2 N [night]��� (IZAS). INDONESIA: R i a u Province: 1♀, ���A. L. v. Hasselt Indragiri Sumatra or.��� (RMNH). C e n t r a l K a l i m a n t a n Province: 4♂♂, ��� INDONESIA: Borneo Kalimantan Tengah Busang / Rekut confl. 0��03���S, 113��59���E / August 2001 MV light Brendell // Mendel // ���Barito Uli 2001��� BMNH(E) 2001���191��� (BMNH); 2♂♂, 2♀♀, ��� INDONESIA: Borneo Kalimantan Tengah Busang // Rekut confl. 0��03���S, 113��59���E // MV light Brendell // Mendel August 2001 // 2001���191 ���Barito Uli 2001��� BMNH(E)��� (BMNH). TME: 31 specimens. TGE: 2♂♂, 1♀. Diagnosis. See ���Diagnosis��� under ��� coelestinus ��� species group. Description. Habitus. Specimens of middle to large size (BL: 12.45���14.40 mm, BW: 5.2���6.0 mm), with ovate and flat body (Figs 6A, D). Ratios and measurements. See Table 2. Color and luster. Head and ventral surface black; pronotum and elytra bluish, with blue luster more distinct on elytra than on pronotum; antennae and palpi flavous to rufopiceous; legs rufopiceous. Head moderately shiny, without iridescence; pronotum and elytra very shiny, with strong iridescence; sternal part of meso- and metathorax, and abdomen shinier and more iridescent than ventral part of head and prothorax. Punctuation. Dorsal surface without punctuation; meso- and metepisternum, and metasternum at sides more densely and strongly punctate than proepisternum and prosternum at sides; abdominal ventrites 1���5 punctate at sides and submedially, ventrite 6 punctate at apex. Head. Less than half as wide as pronotum (Table 2). Mentum tooth short, truncate, with paramedial border distinct (Fig. 6F). Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 6E) with sides barely rounded toward posterior angles (PW /PB: 1.02���1.06); maximum width in posterior fifth; laterobasal impressions indistinct; base slightly sinuate; anterior angles rounded, weakly projected. Prosternum with median longitudinal sulcus shallow but distinct, deeper than in species from ��� cribristernis ��� group; prosternal process elliptic, with subpointed apex (Fig. 6G). Metepisternum longer than wide (MA/ MM: 0.82���0.87), with lateral margin convex, coadunation with epipleuron short, located near middle (Fig. 6B). Elytra. Apical sinuation strong, well defined. Basal margin distinct laterally, forming a minute denticle at shoulder, disappearing medially at level of stria 3. Parascutellar striola quite reduced, shallowly punctate, much less impressed than other striae; striae punctate. Intervals 1���6 flat, 7 subconvex, 8 more convex than other medial intervals. Legs. Metacoxal basal sulcus reduced laterally, ending at medial third. Male mesotibia markedly curved at basal third and dilated distally. Protarsomeres 1���3 of male moderately dilated, with second segment slightly wider than long (W/Lp2: 1.19���1.25). Male genitalia. Median lobe (Figs 7A, B) with basal bulb relatively short, bent ventrally; angle between basal bulb and shaft obtuse; shaft long, slightly swollen medially; apex short, straight; apical lamella short, rounded, with right margin curved to left. Female genitalia. Basal gonocoxite with two large and several minute lateroapical setae. Apical gonocoxite elongate, with two dorsolateral ensiform setae different in size, large dorsomedial ensiform seta near base, and nematiform setae at apex (Fig. 7C). Bursa copulatrix without sclerite; spermatheca moderately long, differentiated, with seminal canal long and narrow, and receptaculum short and wide, twisted apically; spermathecal gland connected near apical fifth of seminal canal (Fig. 7D). Distribution. Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Sarawak, Sabah), Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra, Borneo). New species for Brunei and Indonesia. Bionomics. Labels data indicate that specimens were collected most commonly at light. In the states of Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia, they were caught near banks of large rivers (Sarawak River, Rajang River, Baram River, and Padas River). Like P. cribristernis, this species inhabits areas with a wide spectrum of altitude; for instance, in Sabah State, it was gathered near sea level (Tawau) and at up to 2000 m (Mount Trus Madi). ��� ampliusculus ��� species group Diagnosis. The only member of this species group possesses the following two peculiarities: (1) large and very broad body; and (2) very long metepisternum. Pseudoodes ampliusculus shares with members of the ��� cribristernis ��� group a bursa copulatrix with dorsal sclerite. The spermatheca of this species is slightly differentiated as in P. rambouseki but it is less elongate (see ���Diagnosis��� under ��� rambouseki ��� species group). 5. Pseudoodes ampliusculus sp. n. (Figs 8 A���F, Table 2) Type material. Holotype ♀, ���[Hainan Jianfengling N.R., Mingfenggu Valley], 2011���V���11 ~23 950���1000 m [Bi Wenxuan] leg. [w, h/p] // China, Hainan, Jiangfengling, Mingfenggu, 2011.5.21 950���1000m, BI Wenxuan collector [w, p]��� (IZAS). Paratypes, two females: ��� TONKIN Hoa-Binh VII 40 leg. A. de Cooman [r, h/p]��� (IZAS); ���Thailand Khao Sok National Park 8.90844 98.53247 74m 2018.4.17 ���24 Li Chao [w, p]��� (NMNHS). TME: 3 specimens. TGE: 1♀. Diagnosis. Members of this species are readily distinguished from all other representatives of Pseudoodes by the longest metepisternum (MA/ MM ���0.81) and widest body (BW> 6.10 mm, Table 2). In addition, P. ampliusculus can be differentiated from P. subcoriaceus, which is the only other member of the genus with body size more than 15 mm, by PW /HW>2.10 and PW /PA>1.90; from both P. cribristernis and P. vicarius by its larger size; and from P. coelestinus by its black color of dorsum and larger size. The new species differs from taxa of the ��� rambouseki ��� group in its larger size, more than 15 mm, greater values of PW / PL and EL/ PL, and metepisternum longer than wide (MA/ MM Description. Habitus. Specimens of large size (BL: 15.5���15.7 mm, BW: 6.20���6.65 mm), with ovate and subconvex body (Fig. 8A). Ratios and measurements. See Table 2. Color and luster. Body black; antennae, palpi and tarsomeres rufopiceous, remaining parts of legs piceous. Integument moderately shiny, without iridescence. Punctuation. Dorsal surface without punctuation (in holotype only, posterolateral parts of pronotum, with large, moderately deep punctures extending laterally to anterior third); meso- and metepisternum entirely, prosternum, proepisternum, and metasternum at sides finely and densely punctate; abdominal ventrites 1���5 finely rugose and punctate at sides, ventrite 6 punctate at apex. Head. Less than half as wide as pronotum (Table 2). Mentum tooth truncate, with distinct paramedial border (Fig. 8B). Thorax. Pronotum with sides slightly rounded toward posterior angles (PW /PB: 1.04���1.05); maximum width at posterior third; laterobasal impressions very faint, almost indistinct; base moderately sinuate; anterior angles widely rounded, barely projected. Prosternum with median longitudinal sulcus moderately distinct; prosternal process elliptic, with rounded apex (Fig. 8C). Metepisternum longer than wide (MA/ MM: 0.78���0.81), with lateral margin straight posteriorly, coadunation with epipleuron long, located anteriorly (Fig. 8D). Elytra. Apical sinuation moderate, well-defined. Basal margin distinct laterally, forming a small denticle at shoulder, disappearing medially at level of stria 3. Parascutellar striola distinct, less impressed than other striae; striola punctate, striae 1���4 punctate in basal sixth, striae 5���8 impunctate. Intervals 1���4 flat, 5���7 subconvex, 8 more convex than intervals 5-7. Legs. Metacoxal basal sulcus extended to lateral third. Male genitalia. Unknown. Female genitalia. Basal gonocoxite with four or five lateroapical setae situated in line. Apical gonocoxite stout, with very tiny dorsolateral ensiform setae, dorsomedial ensiform seta at base, and nematiform setae equidistant from middle and apex (Fig. 8E). Bursa copulatrix with a large dorsal sclerite; spermatheca moderately long, less differentiated than in species of ��� cribristernis ��� group, with receptaculum twisted apically; spermathecal gland connected in apical third of seminal canal (Fig. 8F). Etymology. The specific epithet, ampliusculus is Latin for ���fairly large, considerable���, to stress the large size of body. Distribution. China (Hainan Province), Vietnam (H��a B��nh Province), Thailand (Surat Thani Province). Bionomics. The place in Mingfenggu where the holotype was caught is wet, and located very close to a lake. The specimen from the Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, was collected by light trap, located close to a pond. ��� rambouseki ��� species group Diagnosis. The species group includes five wingless species that possess the following synapomorphies: (1) metepisternum one-and-a-half times or more wider than long; (2) extraordinarily elongate spermatheca; and (3) apical gonocoxite short, subtriangular, with dorsomedial ensiform seta situated near the middle or equidistant from the middle and the base. In addition, the species from the ��� rambouseki ��� group have the anterior angles of pronotum more projected and pointed, as well as the parascutellar stria more obliterated than in other representatives of the genus (except P. coelestinus which also has an obliterated parascutellar stria). Further, three species (P. hunanensis, P. leigongshanicus, and P. rambouseki) have a metatrochanter more or less pointed at the apex (Figs 10E, 11D, 12H). All five representatives are wingless, with fused elytra and reduced metathoracic wings. Notes. Pseudoodes hunanensis and P. leigonshanicus (supposedly also P. emeishanicus and P. tianlinenis whose females are still unknown) have very long, undifferentiated spermatheca. On the other hand, P. rambouseki has a spermatheca also quite long but slightly differentiated (like P. ampliusculus) into a seminal canal and a receptaculum. Tendencies to slightly differentiated and undifferentiated spermatheca are aberrant conditions within Pseudoodes. They occur in species from the ��� ampliusculus ��� and ��� rambouseki ��� groups, and are considered a reversal (loss of derived trait present in the common ancestor) due to considerable lenghtening of the apical part of spermatheca (i.e., receptaculum). Similarly, there are two kinds of attachment of the spermathecal gland to spermatheca among species of the ��� rambouseki ��� group, each linked, respectively, to the above mentioned two kinds of spermatheca. Pseudoodes rambouseki has a spermathecal gland attached at the apical third of spermatheca while P. hunanensis and P. leigongshanicus have the spermathecal gland connected at the proximal half of the seminal canal. Likely the species of this group derived from a common ancestor (supposed form close to P. cribristernis and/or P. ampliusculus) via isolation in the high mountainous areas of south and southwest China. Two groups are distinct: (1) P. rambouseki, having bursa copulatrix with a small dorsal sclerite, spermathecal gland attached at apical third of seminal canal, apical lamella of median lobe narrow, bent to left and rounded at tip, male mesotibia considerably curved and dilated distally, male protarsomere 2 very broad, and MA/ MM relatively low; and (2) P. hunanensis and P. leigongshanicus, having bursa copulatrix without sclerite, spermathecal gland attached at middle of seminal canal, apical lamella of median lobe wide, straight and more or less pointed at tip, male mesotibia almost straight, slightly dilated distally, male protarsomere 2 moderately broadened, and MA/ MM higher. Though females of P. emeishanicus and P. tianlinensis are unknown, judging from the structure of the median lobe (apical lamella similar to that of the two species from Hunan and Guizhou) and less broadened male protarsomere 2, we believe these species belong to the second group. 6. Pseudoodes emeishanicus sp. n. (Figs 9 A���G, Table 2) Type material. Holotype ♂, somewhat in teneral condition, 2011 VIII 21 D [day], 1400m Huang Hao leg., Inst. of Zoology, CAS, Sichuan, Emeishan Xixinsuo Temple [w, p] // China, Sichuan, Emeishan, Xixinsuo, 1400m, 2011.8.21 D HUANG Hao collector, Institute of Zool., CAS [w, p] (IZAS). TME: 1 specimen. TGE: 1♂. Diagnosis. This species is separated from other members of the species group by its shorter pronotum (PW / PL>1.65), with the least pointed anterior angles, shaft of median lobe long and narrower (Fig. 9F) and male protarsomere 2 barely longer than wide (W/Lp2: 1.13). The species is most similar to P. tianlinensis but the latter species has anterior angles of pronotum more distinctly pointed, shaft of median lobe broader (Fig. 13G) and male protarsomere 2 distinctly longer than wide (W/Lp2: 1.26). Description. Habitus. Specimens of moderate size (BL: 13 mm, BW: 5.2 mm), with ovate, subconvex body (Fig. 9A). Ratios and measurements. See Table 2. Color and luster. Body dark brown, appendages rufous. Integument moderately shiny, without iridescence. Punctuation. Dorsal surface without punctuation; prosternum and metasternum at sides, and metepisternum moderately punctate; pro- and mesoepisternum nearly smooth; abdominal ventrites punctate at sides. Head. About half as wide as pronotum (Table 2). Mentum tooth with apex truncate, with distinct paramedial border (Fig. 9C). Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 9B) with sides slightly rounded toward posterior angles (PW /PB: 1.06); maximum width in posterior third; laterobasal impressions shallow; base nearly straight; anterior angles rounded, moderately projected. Prosternum with median longitudinal sulcus distinct, deeper and located more posteriad than in P. tianlinensis; prosternal process elliptic, more narrowly rounded apically than in other species of ��� rambouseki ��� group except P. tianlinensis (Fig. 9D). Metepisternum significantly wider than long (MA/ MM: 1.53), with lateral margin convex, coadunation with epipleuron short, located anteriorly (Fig. 9E). Elytra. Apical sinuation weak, poorly defined. Basal margin distinct laterally, not forming distinct denticle at shoulder, disappearing medially at level between striae 2 and 3. Parascutellar striola distinct, but shallow, punctiform, less impressed than other striae; striae 1���3 superficially punctate anteriorly, remaining striae impunctate. Intervals 1���7 subconvex, interval 8 appreciably more convex than others. Legs. Metacoxal basal sulcus reduced at side, barely reaching lateral third. Male mesotibia slightly dilated distally. Protarsomeres 1���3 of male moderately dilated, with second tarsomere scarcely wider than long (W/Lp2: 1.13). Male genitalia. Median lobe (F Published as part of Gu��orguiev, Borislav & Liang, Hongbin, 2020, Revision of the Palaearctic and Oriental representatives of Lachnocrepis LeConte and Oodes Bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with special account on Chinese species, pp. 1-89 in Zootaxa 4850 (1) on pages 21-37, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4850.1.1, {"references":["Chaudoir, M. de (1882) Monographie des oodides 1 re partie. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Series 6, 2, 317 - 378.","Louwerens, C. J. (1951) New Carabidae from the Malay Archipelago. Treubia, 21 (1), 117 - 132.","Andrewes, H. E. (1927) Papers on Oriental Carabidae. - XIX. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 9, 19, 97 - 111. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222932708633575","Andrewes, H. E. (1930) Catalogue of Indian insects. 18. Carabidae. Government of India Central Publication Branch, Calcutta, 389 pp.","Lorenz, W. (1998) Systematic list of extant ground beetles of the world (Insecta Coleoptera \" Geadephaga \": Trachypachidae and Carabidae incl. Paussinae, Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae). 1 st Edition. Published by the Author, Tutzing, [ii] + 502 pp.","Lorenz, W. (2005) Systematic list of extant ground beetles of the world (Coleoptera \" Geadephaga \": Trachypachidae and Carabidae incl. Paussinae, Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae). 2 nd Edition. Published by the author, Tutzing, [ii] + 530 pp.","Csiki, E. (1931) Carabidae: Harpalinae V. In: Junk, W. & Schenkling, S. (Eds.), Coleopterorum catalogus. Pars 115. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 739 - 1022.","Jedlicka, A. (1931) Novi Carabidi ze Secuanu v Cine. (Col.) Neue Carabiden aus China-Szetschuan. Casopis Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Entomologicke, 28, 21 - 30.","Csiki, E. (1933) Carabidae: Harpalinae VIII. In: Junk, W. & Schenkling, S. (Eds.), Coleopterorum catalogus. Pars 126. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1599 - 1933.","Wu, C. F. (1937) Catalogus insectorum sinensium (Catalogue of Chinese insects). Vol. III. The Fan Memorial Institute of Biology, Peiping (Beijing), 1312 pp.","Bousquet, Y. (2003) Tribe Oodini LaFerte-Senectere, 1851. In: Lobl, L. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 1. Archostemata-Myxophaga-Adephaga. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 444 - 445.","Bousquet, Y. (2017) Tribe Oodini LaFerte-Senectere, 1851. In: Lobl, I. & Lobl, D. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 1. Revised and Updated Edition. Archostemata-Myxophaga-Adephaga. Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 635 - 636.","ICZN [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (1999) International Code on Zoological Nomenclature. 4 th Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. Available from: https: // www. iczn. org / the-code / the-international-code-of-zoological-nomenclature / the-codeonline / (accessed 24 December 2019)","Semenov, A. P. (1889) Chlaenius lepidus et Oodes integer, especes nouvelles de l'Asie russe. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 23, 291 - 294.","Gueorguiev, B. V. (2014) Two new related oodine genera in the Oriental Region, with remarks on the systematic position of the genera Hololeius and Holosoma (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 61, 87 - 104. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / dez. 61.7754"]} |
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