Color Image Classification Through Fitting of Implicit Surfaces

Autor: Ricardo Swain-Oropeza, Erik Millán, Alejandro Aceves-López, Raziel Alvarez
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Advances in Artificial Intelligence – IBERAMIA 2004 ISBN: 9783540238065
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30498-2_68
Popis: This paper describes a color classification technique for the color subspaces definition based in 3D reconstruction approaches. These color subspaces use implicit functions to create a bounding surface that will fit a set of characteristic color samples to define a particular color. The implicit subspace reconstruction allow to define clusters of arbitrary shape for a better approximation of the color distribution, reducing misclassification problems obtained when using predefined geometrical shapes. In addition, the proposed method presents less computational complexity than methods based in color signal transformation, allowing dynamical tuning of the subspaces, and provides robustness and ease parameterization.
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