MUSE from Europe to the Chilean Sky

Autor: Roland Bacon, L. Capoani, Antonio Manescau, Remko Stuik, Christian Monstein, H. Valentin, Mateo Accardo, Andreas Kelz, M. Dupieux, M. Loupias, Frédéric Gonté, Joel Vernet, Roland Reiss, Kristof Koehler, E. Daguisé, F. Laurent, Christophe Dupuy, L. Parès, J. E. Migniau, Marc François, D. Boudon, Johan Kosmalski, Andreas Glindemann, D. Gojak, Aurélien Jarno, Harald Nicklas, J. L. Lizon, Gero Rupprecht, T. Hahn, G. Hansali, N. Haddad, L. Adjali, Ole Streicher, Arlette Pécontal-Rousset, H. Anwand, Laure Piqueras, Marie Larrieu, A. Remillieux, E. Renault, Gerard Zins, P. Caillier, Peter M. Weilbacher
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: MUSE (Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) is a second generation instrument, built for ESO (European Southern Observatory) and dedicated to the VLT (Very Large Telescope). This instrument is an innovative integral field spectrograph (1x1 arcmin 2 Field of View), operating in the visible wavelength range, from 465 nm to 930 nm. The MUSE project is supported by a European consortium of 7 institutes. After the finalisation of its integration and test in Europe validated by its Preliminary Acceptance in Europe, the MUSE instrument has been partially dismounted and shipped to the VLT (Very Large Telescope) in Chile. From October 2013 till February 2014, it has then been reassembled, tested and finally installed on the telescope its final home. From there it will collect its first photons coming from the outer limit of the visible universe. To come to this achievement, many tasks had to be completed and challenges overcome. These last steps in the project life have certainly been ones of the most critical. Critical in terms of risk, of working conditions, of operational constrains, of schedule and finally critical in terms of outcome: The first light and the final performances of the instrument on the sky.
Databáze: OpenAIRE