Autor: Julia Margarita Núñez Tabales, Sonia Ortiz Montes
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revista Galega de Economía. 26:45-54
ISSN: 2255-5951
Popis: Nos ultimos anos multiplicaronse os esforzos a nivel mundial por favorecer o acceso aos servizos financeiros especialmente en determinados paises e para determinados colectivos, incrementandose o interese pola construcion de sistemas financeiros incluintes. Neste trabajo analizase a inclusion financeira, estudando as suas diferentes dimensions, os beneficios que comporta, o seu caracter prioritario nos ultimos tempos para multitude de organismos e os obstaculos ao seu desenvolvemento. Concretamente, centrouse a atencion na sua evolucion na rexion de America Latina e o Caribe, comprobandose que, en xeral, tratase dunha rexion cun acceso ao sistema financeiro en desenvolvemento e no que persisten ainda desigualdades no ambito social. Poren, albiscase un potencial significativo de mellora froito especialmente da evolucion tecnoloxica e do esforzo dos organismos implicados. In the past years global efforts to increase access to financial services have been multiplied especially in certain countries and for certain groups, growing the interest in the construction of financial inclusive systems. The financial inclusion is analyzed, studying their different dimensions, its benefits, its priority character in recent times for many institutions and the obstacles to its development. In particular, attention has focused on its evolution in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, proving that, in general it is a region with access to the developing financial system and in which inequalities in the social sphere still exist. However, a significant potential for improvement is emerging, especially as a result of the technological evolution and the effort of the institutions involved.
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