Forest Set-Asides and Carbon Sequestration

Autor: Markku Kanninen, Gerardo Mery, Brent Sohngen, Roger A. Sedjo
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: World Forests, Markets and Policies ISBN: 9780792371717
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0664-4_4
Popis: This paper presents estimates of the gain in carbon sequestration withforest areas set aside from future timber production. Three alternative scenarios ofecological processes on the set-aside land are considered. The results suggest thatset-asides are not likely to be cost-effective methods for enhancing carbon storage inglobal forests, although the exact results depend on assumptions about ecologicalprocesses. Further, the results suggest that set-asides may reduce overall carbon storagein those regions due to unexpected effects in other forests, such as increasedharvesting of currently inaccessible regions. In particular, if set-asides occur in NorthAmerica and Europe today, they could potentially lead to short-term carbon emis-sions by the time of the Kyoto Protocol commitment period in 2008–2012.
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