Cyrtopeltocoris pronotosus Wyniger & Schuh & Henry 2023, new species

Autor: Wyniger, Denise, Schuh, Randall T., Henry, Thomas J.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7710082
Popis: Cyrtopeltocoris pronotosus, new species Figures 3, 5, 6, table 1 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the claval portion of the transverse, white, hemelytral fascia offset posteriorly relative to portion on corium (fig. 3); dorsum bearing erect setae; and endosoma slender apically and terminating in a sclerotized point (fig. 5). Most similar to C. fractifasciatus in general appearance, very large eyes, and narrow vertex, but with longer body, unbroken medial fascia, and endosoma without the apicolateral, triangular, membranous lobe seen in that species (fig. 4). DESCRIPTION: Male: Total length 3.95. Coloration (fig. 3): Head dark brown; labium yellowish brown; pronotum dark brown; mesoscutum and scutellum dark reddish brown; scentgland auricle brownish; clavus brown apically and basally, white medially; corium brown apically and basally, white medially; medial part of transverse white fascia on corium offset from part on clavus (fig. 3); white spot at apex of corium rounded medially (fig. 3), not attaining inner margin of corium; cuneus reddish brown; membrane fuscous; antennal segments brown, with first segment yellowish brown; venter brown; mesepisternum reddish brown; procoxae reddish apically, yellowish basally, trochanter of front leg reddish, meso- and metacoxae ivory, trochanters ivory; femora and tibiae reddish brown with pro- and mesotibiae yellowish on apical half, metatibia yellowish apically; tarsi yellowish. Surface and vestiture (fig. 3): Vertex bearing recumbent and simple erect setae; pronotum bearing recumbent setae; scutellum and hemelytron with distinct erect setae (fig. 3). Structure (fig. 3): Slender; pronotum trapezoidal, swollen basally; scutellum distinctly swollen; corium with lateral margin slightly convex basally at level of brown coloration; labium reaching metacoxa. genitalia (fig. 5): Endosoma only weakly coiled, slender, apical portion slender and ending in a sclerotized point; phallotheca rectangularly curved, pointed; left paramere with anterior process straight and pointed; posterior process elongate and curved downward; right paramere roundish, distinctly pointed. ETYMOLOGY: Named for the swollen pronotum. DISTRIBUTION (fig. 6): Known only from Baja California Sur, Mexico. HOLOTYPE male: MEXICO: Baja California Sur: Sierra de la Laguna, La Laguna, 17.3 air mi ENE of Todos Santos, 23.55716 ° N 109.9793 ° W, 1829 m, 17 Dec 1979 – 18 Dec 1979, unknown collector, Quercus devia Goldman (Fagaceae) (AMNH _PBI 00125584) (CSCA).
Published as part of Wyniger, Denise, Schuh, Randall T. & Henry, Thomas J., 2023, Revision of the North American Hallodapini (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), pp. 1-48 in American Museum Novitates 2023 (3994) on pages 34-35, DOI: 10.1206/3994.1,
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