Capacity Building to Promote Sustainable Value Chains: The ValueLinks 2.0 Methodology

Autor: Andreas Springer-Heinze
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Natural Resource Management in Transition ISBN: 9783319148762
Popis: Value chain development (VCD) is the conscious effort to address coordination failures and common environmental and social problems in a specific economic subsector. Essentially, VCD engages private enterprises and public actors in a long-term effort to build better institutional structures. “ValueLinks 2.0” is a VCD methodology and a systematic collection of tools to support this joint capacity building. It uses the experience of GIZ in tracing the boundaries of a value chain, analysing its structure and sustainability, and providing strategic orientation for its development. ValueLinks 2.0 also helps devising VC solutions, from business model innovations to agreeing on rules for markets.
Databáze: OpenAIRE