Reconsidering Canadian Environmental Curriculum Studies: Framing an Approach to Ecojustice

Autor: Kelly Young, Andrejs Kulnieks, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Darren Stanley
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Reconsidering Canadian Curriculum Studies ISBN: 9781349435890
DOI: 10.1057/9781137008978_5
Popis: In the spring of 2009, we presented several papers on a panel at the 4th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference. Our presentations evolved into a postconference discussion whereby each of our areas of concern about curriculum prompted us to reconsider how we might reconceptualize Canadian environmental educational curriculum. In this chapter, we build upon these initial conversations and respond to an emerging ecojustice movement. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook traces the ways in which his international intellectual studies, within the public schooling system here in Canada and the United States, have helped him to reconsider how, as a curriculum theorist, he might provoke the interdisciplinarity of fields like environmental education, indigenous, postcolonial studies, and curriculum studies to reconceptualize his (colonial) understandings of concepts like environmental sustainability, greenwashing, and ecojustice. Darren Stanley draws on transdisciplinarity and complexity theories to address the kinds of conditions that underlie the emergence of healthy living and learning organizations. Andrejs Kulnieks works from an ecojustice framework to reconsider how a deep analysis of language can foster a greater awareness of life histories in relation to place. Finally, Kelly Young considers the ways in which bringing forth an ecojustice education framework can illuminate metaphors that perpetuate antiecological habits of mind in the development of identity formation.
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