Polish adaptation of the Geneva Emotional Music Scale: Factor structure and reliability

Autor: Maciej Janowski, Maria Chełkowska-Zacharewicz
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Psychology of Music. 49:1117-1131
ISSN: 1741-3087
DOI: 10.1177/0305735620927474
Popis: One of the most popular measurement tools used in music-emotion studies is the Geneva Emotional Music Scale (GEMS). The authors conducted a series of studies on Polish samples to confirm the factor structure and the reliability of the Polish adaptation of the GEMS (GEMS-PL). Study 1 ( n = 262) revealed in the confirmatory factor analysis a good fit for both 9- and 10-factor models, with an indication to a better fit of the 10-factor solution. Additional statistical analyses were performed to explore the differences in the number of factors between the GEMS-PL and the original GEMS. Study 2 ( n = 944) performed in laboratory and Internet settings, confirmed the 10-factor model and revealed that all obtained scales had high reliability. The GEMS-PL scales peacefulness, tenderness, tension, joyful activation, nostalgia, sadness, power, transcendence, and wonder correspond with the original GEMS. The additional scale being moved abstracted from the sadness factor is discussed in the context of possible linguistic differences and growing literature on the state of being moved.
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