Influence of plan placement plants on yield of patisson (Cucurbita Pepo Var. Melopepo L.) fruits under conditions of Right Shore Steppe

Autor: I. I. Palamarchuk
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Naukovì dopovìdì Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu bìoresursiv ì prirodokoristuvannâ Ukraïni.
ISSN: 2223-1609
DOI: 10.31548/dopovidi2019.05.009
Popis: The results of research on the influence of the scheme of plant placement on the yield of fruit of the patison in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe Right Bank are presented. The experiment conducted phenological observations, biometric measurements of plants and crops and accounting for the yield of patison. According to the data obtained earlier, the passage of phenological phases of growth and development of the patison was noted in the scheme of placement 90x90 cm, since the decrease in the area of nutrition led to the delay in the entry of the patison in the subsequent phase of growth and development. Occurrence of single sprouts scheme of placement of plants of patison has no special effect, as single sprouts in schemes – 70 × 70 and – 90 × 50 cm, appeared 16.05, in schemes – 90 × 90 and 90 × 70 cm occurred one day earlier 15.05. Mass stairs on the variant for the placement schemes 90 x 90 cm and 90 x 70 cm were noted – 18.05, while for the placement schemes 70 x 70 cm and 90 x 50 cm – 19.05. In general, the same pattern was observed in the experiment and the appearance of regular leaves. Yes, the appearance of the first, third and fifth leaves was noted, with the arrangement of 90 × 90 cm and 90 × 70 cm – 23.05, 26.05, 28.06. For placement schemes 70 × 70 cm, 90 × 50 cm – 24.05, 27.05, 29.06 respectively. During the phenological observations, the phase of the beginning of flowering of male and female flowers, the beginning of fruiting and the end of the growing season were noted. The faster flowering of male and female flowers began on the control variant – 16.06 and 21.06 respectively, which is one day earlier than the schemes of placement of 90 x 70 cm and two days earlier than the schemes of placement of 70 x 70 cm and 90 x 50 cm. technical maturity was noted earlier for the schemes of plant placement 90 x 90 cm – 25.06, while the variant for the schemes of placement 90 x 50 cm – 29.06, which is 4 days later. The end of the growing season was recorded on 20.09 in all the variants studied, which is due to a decrease in temperature. The passage of the interphase periods depended on the weather conditions of the years of research and the arrangement of the plants. During the initial phases of growth and development of the patison, no significant difference was observed between the onset of the phases in the investigated variants. So, single stairs were noted on 10-11 days after sowing, mass – on 13-14 days. The shortest period from the mass shoots to the beginning of the formation of the fetus was marked by the option for placement schemes 90 x 90 cm (control) – 38 days. The longest this period was recorded on the variant of the layout scheme 90 x 50 cm – 41 days, which is 3 days longer than the control. The duration of the growing season characterizes the degree of ripeness of the varieties and depends not only on the biological characteristics of the crop or variety itself, but also on the technological methods of cultivation. According to the duration of the growing season, the variants studied did not differ significantly. For placement schemes 90 x 90 cm and 90 x 70 cm this interphase period was 125 days, and for placement plans 70 x 70 cm and 90 x 50 – 124 days, which is one day less. According to the results of the researches the influence of the layout scheme on the biometric parameters of the plants was established. It was found that with decreasing area of plant nutrition the length of their stems increased, but the stalk thickness decreased. The largest length of the stem was noted by the arrangement of 90 × 50 cm – 71, 8 cm, which is 7.3 cm more than the control. In the variants of 90 x 70 cm and 70 x 70 cm placement, the stem length was 65.8 cm and 67.7 cm, which is more control by 1.3-3.2 cm. 31.6 mm, and the smallest figure was in the arrangement of 90 x 70 cm – 29.4 mm. With more sparse crops, patisson plants formed more leaves, while with the increase in the number of plants in the area, their number decreased. Thus, for the layout scheme of plants 90 x 90 cm the number of leaves was 25.5 pieces / plant, while for the layout scheme 90 × 50 cm – 21.8 pieces / plant, which is 3.7 pieces / plant less. Plants had a significantly larger leaf area under the layout schemes 90 x 50 – 23.8 thousand m 2 / ha and 70 x 70 cm – 18.6 thousand m 2 / ha, which is 12.3 and 7.1 thousand m 2 / ha more control option. The smallest leaf area was 90 x 90 cm – 11.5 thousand m 2 / ha. There is a clear correlation between the density of the plants and the yield of the squash on the size of the harvest. According to the average data, the highest yields were provided by the layout schemes 90 x 50 cm – 65.2 t / ha and 70 x 70 cm – 63.3 t / ha, which is 20.5 and 22.4 t / ha more than the control. The lowest yield was in the layout scheme 90 x 90 cm (control) – 42.8 t / ha. In order to determine the quality of the Pearl variety patison, the biometric parameters of the fruit were measured during the harvest. The smallest number of fruits of the patison was noted in the scheme: 90 × 50 cm – 11.3 pcs / plant, which is 1.6 pcs / plant less than the control. The highest number of fruits per plant was noted in the arrangement of plants 90 × 90 cm – 12.9 pcs / plant. With increasing plant densities, the yield of a single plant decreases, however, due to the larger number of plants in the area, the total crop yield increases. The highest weight of the fruit was noted in the variants of the arrangement of 90 x 90 cm and 90 x 70 cm – 270 g. A significantly smaller weight of the fruit was observed in the variants of the arrangement of 90 x 50 cm – 260 g, which is 10.0 g less than control. The largest diameter of the fruit was in the variant with the arrangement of 90 x 50 cm – 12.5 cm, which is more than the control by 0.9 cm. All the investigated variants had higher indicators of the diameter of the fruit relative to the control variant. The smallest given figure was in the variant for the layout schemes 90 x 90 cm – 11.6 cm.
Databáze: OpenAIRE