Factors determining the decision on spatial location of mechanical engineering production forces

Autor: Yu N Malanina, A. A. Fefelov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 862:042042
ISSN: 1757-899X
Popis: The article deals with the search for the optimal spatial location of mechanical engineering production systems at the present stage of economic development of Russia. Spatial location is considered as an important investment issue that requires careful economic justification as part of choosing the appropriate strategy. The search for the most suitable place for spatial placement depends largely on what the mechanical engineering production system itself is. The article presents the approaches of various researchers, which are still relevant and valid in modern Russia, since they are focused on territories with a predominantly rural type of economy and are well correlated with the current system of administrative and territorial management of our country. The article describes a number of factors that affect the choice of spatial location of mechanical engineering production facilities, among which are the natural, historical, social, technical, economical, as well as governmental and political factors. The article concludes that the final decision on the specialization of the Russian Federation subject and the spatial location of machine-building production in the region depends on the requests of the entrepreneurs in a particular industry and the level of development of productive forces.
Databáze: OpenAIRE