Zincum metallicum 5cH increases survival and improves clinical mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi

Autor: Larissa Ciupa, Franciele Karina Da Veiga, Angela Rigo Portocarrero, Patricia Flora Sandri, Fabiana Nabarro Ferraz, Érika Cristina Ferreira, Katiucha Rebeca Jennifer Lopes Lera, Carla Holandino, Leoni Villano Bonamim, Paolo Bellavite, Denise Lessa Aleixo, Silvana Marques De Araújo
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of High Dilution Research - ISSN 1982-6206. 13:111-113
ISSN: 1982-6206
Popis: The Multicenter International Project suggests Zincum Mettalicum high diluted as object of study in different experimental models. Aim: evaluate the effect of substance high diluted Zincum metallicum in murine experimental infection by Trypanosoma cruzi. Metodology: was performed a blind, controlled, randomized, using 60 swiss male mice, 56 days old, divided into groups: CNI - uninfected and untreated animals; CI - infected and untreated animals; infected and treated animals: ZN5cHTA - Zinc 5ch and LAC5cHTA - Lactose 5ch , 48 hours before and after infection, subsequently were treated 56/56 hours until 9th day of infection; ZN5cHTTD - Zinc 5Ch and LAC5cHTTD - Lactose 5cH, everyday from the 4th of infection. Animals were inoculated with 1.400 blood trypomastigotes, strain Y-T. cruzi, intraperitoneally. Medicines were handled, prepared in grain alcohol 70%, and dynamized up to 100 times until 4cH. To obtain the 5cH it was used bi-distilled sterilized water filtered in membrane - 0.22 µm [1], on separate days (first Lactose and then Zinc) and stored in different rooms. Microbiological test in vivo and toxicity were made in accordance with current legislation [2].Test solutions were diluted in water at a concentration of 10% (1mL/100mL) after dilution in water. Clinical (temperature, weight, water/foodintake and excreta)[3] and parasitological parameters (pre-patent and patent period, peak parasitemia, and parasitemia overall survival time)[4] were assessed daily. Data were compared BioEstat 5.0, significance level of 5%. Project was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use in Experimentation of the Universidade Estadual de Maringa by opinion number 025/2014. Results: ZN5cHTA group had a higher survival rate than their control LAC5cHTA (p=0.004). ZN5cHTA shows 55.7% probability of surviving to the 15th day after infection, while LAC5cHTA 29.4%. ZN5cHTA also provides significantly better performance (p= 0.0206) compared to CI, contrary to what occurs with LAC5cHTA x CI (p=0.7410). There is no significant difference in survival between the different treatments schemes TA and TTD, either with ZN5cH (p=0.0754) or LAC5cHTA (p=0.9480), although the best ZN5cHTA present trend toward benefit. Considering parasitological parameters ZN5cHTA group had higher pre-patent period (PPP) meaning benefit to infected animals [5]. Although ZN5cHTA shows greater number of parasites from 6th to 11th day of infection and right shift of parasitemia peak in relation to LAC5cHTA (p=0.020), this group displayed a better performance compared to the other groups as observed in other models [6]. Conclusion: ZN5cHTA group had higher survival, greater pre-patent period and better clinical outcome compared to control LAC5cHTA and to other groups. This result may be related to higher total parasitemia and alterations in the parasite cycle time observed in this group. These findings suggest aggravation with posterior benefit as reported in some cases of homeopathic treatment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE