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The reservoir of the Alvheim Field is the upper part of the deep-marine deposited Palaeocene Heimdal Formation. It is located in the Northern part of the Norwegian North Sea with a small portion extending into the UK sector. Despite the reservoir’s high net to gross ratio of more than 85%, a 1.5-5 meter thick continuous mudstones exists and is in places causing reservoir compartmentalization, even resulting in multiple hydrocarbon columns. A tripartite subdivision of the reservoir was originally made based on log correlation, biostratigraphy and seismic interpretation. This reservoir subdivision was used as input to the reservoir models, which together with a new 4D seismic data set built a good basis for the 2015 infill-well planning. During the infill drilling of pilot wells with single, dual and trilateral producers, new and important information became available, including data from deep resistivity tools which were run in all horizontal branches. The well results were interesting and partly surprising, leading to a significant adjustment of the stratigraphic model. The incorporation of the persistent claystone units into static and dynamic 4D supported models is essential to get a realistic simulation of the reservoir behavior, and to locate undrained targets for future infill drilling. |