Concentration dependence of deuterium induced phase transitions in (NH4)2TeCl6

Autor: B Arnscheidt, K.-H. Höck, Josef Pelzl, S. Müller
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Solid State Communications. 82:845-849
ISSN: 0038-1098
Popis: On deuteration (NH 4 ) 2 TeCl 6 undergoes two additional structural phase transformations at T c 2 ( x ) and T c 3 ( x ) which are investigated as a function of the deuteron concentration x by Raman scattering. T c 2 decreases monotonously from 48 K at x = 1 to 13 K at x c 2 = 0.15 and T c 3 is reduced from 28 K at x = 1 to 20 K at x c 3 = 0.85. For deuterium contents smaller than the critical concentrations x c 3 and x c 2 the third and second transition are suppressed. Two low energy soft modes are observed below T c 2 ( x ) in the partially deuterated crystals.
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