Susan Mulroney

Autor: Patricia Boston
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Crossing Over ISBN: 0197602274
Popis: Susan Mulroney had always considered herself a very private person. She had many friends and a caring family, but all her life she prided herself on being very independent and in control of her own affairs. She never liked to burden family or friends with her problems. When she was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer at the age of 47, she did not talk much about it to anyone. During the next few months, she remained stoic in the face of her illness and tried to continue with her life normally, as though nothing eventful had taken place. But chemotherapy did not work, and she felt increasingly tired, physically weak, and unable to cope on her own.Not wishing to burden family members, Susan chose to be admitted to the Palliative Care Unit, where her condition rapidly became worse. Her physical symptoms were controlled, and she seemed comfortable. But no one could tell how she was coping emotionally with the knowledge that she would soon die. When people tried to talk with her, she usually found them intrusive. Ten days following her admission to the Palliative Care Unit, she died. Except for one close friend, no one knew much about how she had felt or what the last few months of her life had been like.
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