Antrodiaetus montanus Chamberlin & Ivie

Autor: Cokendolpher, James C., Peck, Robert W., Niwa, Christine G.
Rok vydání: 2005
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5657869
Popis: Antrodiaetus montanus (Chamberlin & Ivie) Figs. 3, 21, 30 Antrodiaetus montanus: Coyle 1971: 359 –362, figs. 140, 150, 162, 171, 180, 213 – 217, 253–255, 295 – 298; Platnick 2005 (see for complete synonymy). Material Examined. Washington: near Richland, Benton County, 2 males (JCC). Diagnosis. The presence of setae on the upper ectal surface of the chelicera (Fig. 21) will separate this species from all others in the genus except for A. hageni (Chamberlin). From this latter species, the males differ by not having the metatarsus I swollen in the middle. In southwestern Oregon, it is the only member of the genus to have a procurved male genital plate (Fig. 30). Abbreviated Description. All three dorsal opisthosomal sclerotized patches separate; male genital plate with sclerotized parts undivided, thin, and procurved; chelicera without distodorsal projection, with setae on upper ectal surface; with prolateral brush of macrosetae on tibia I, 48–93 % of macrosetae ensiform; tibia I with 6–23 (2–13 ensiform) macrosetae retrolaterally, without large heavy macrosetae ventrally; tibia and metatarsus I not swollen in lateral view; metatarsus I weakly sinuous, with one large retrolateral distal macroseta (seta A) ventrally; tip of palpal outer conductor sclerite not closely appressed to inner conductor sclerite; palpal tibia 2.54–2.78 times longer than wide; males active above ground in early August to early November. Distribution. Great Basin region from Utah and Nevada north to Oregon, Idaho, and Washington (Fig. 3; Coyle 1971: map 2). Comments. The description is based upon data from Coyle (1971) as well as the examination of two males.
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