Relaba forcipula Catalano, Paradell & Dietrich, 2016, n. sp

Autor: Catalano, Mar��a In��s, Paradell, Susana L., Dietrich, Christopher H.
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6058614
Popis: Relaba forcipula n. sp. (Figs 2 A���I) Description. Length of male 3.4���3.6 mm. Female 3.7���3.8 mm. Head with black spots on anterior margin of crown relatively large, pair of smaller black spots present adjacent to anteromedial margins of eyes; crown between eyes nearly uniformly orange; pronotum mostly orange with median longitudinal white stripe incomplete, posterior margin narrowly bordered with white; scutellum orange, midline dark brown (Fig. 2 A). Male: Second sternal apodemes (2 S) (Fig. 2 B) short, not reaching posterior margin of third segment. Pygofer (Figs 2 C���E) with posterior margin slightly produced, disc with four or five macrosetae and some microsetae near basal ventral margin; dorsal process with bifurcated apex; ventral process curved ventromesad, not exceeding apical margin of pygofer. Subgenital plate (Fig. 2 F) with 4 or 5 macrosetae. Style (Fig. 2 G) short with rounded preapical lobe. Aedeagus (Figs. 2 H���I) atrium with paired dorsal processes with convergent apices, long unpaired ventral process with bifurcate apex and irregular denticulate lobe between ventral process and shaft; shaft short and straight, gonopore apical. Material examined. Holotype male, ARGENTINA: Jujuy, P.N. Calilegua 600m 23 �� 45��40 ���S 64 �� 51��10 ���W, 15.i. 2008, Dietrich et al col. Hand collected [MLP]. Paratypes: 2 males, same data as holotype except hand collected and Hg vapor lights [INHS]. Etymology. The specific name refers to the forceps shape of the dorsal processes of the aedeagus, in dorsal view. Notes. This species closely resembles R. superba but has the aedeagus with ventral process longer than shaft and dorsal processes.
Published as part of Catalano, Mar��a In��s, Paradell, Susana L. & Dietrich, Christopher H., 2016, Review of the genus Relaba (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae: Alebrini) and description of two new species from Argentina, pp. 445-450 in Zootaxa 4132 (3) on page 447, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.3.13,
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