Chapter 6 The peatlands of Argentine Tierra del Fuego as a source for paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental information

Autor: F. Roig Juñent, Jorge Rabassa, M. Quattrocchio, C.J. Heusser, Andrea Coronato, C. Roig, A. Borromei
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: Publisher Summary The Fuegian peatlands have greatly contributed to the scientific interpretation of the upper Quaternary environments of southernmost South America. Nevertheless, much more information remains to be obtained from them concerning the environmental changes in the Southern Hemisphere during the last 15,000 radiocarbon years. The low environmental and atmospheric pollution of Tierra del Fuego provides appropriate conditions to establish comparison parameters on the variability of atmospheric composition by means of stable isotopes. From a geological point of view, the record of ancient volcanic eruptions allows analysis of the recent history of the crustal dynamics in a region that is tectonically unstable and of high scientific interest. The peatlands of Tierra del Fuego may contribute to the understanding of the natural history and the early peopling of this region of the Southern Hemisphere and its inter-hemispheric relationships.
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