Transferência ativa: um manejo clínico no tratamento das psicoses

Autor: Araceli Albino
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social. 9:450
ISSN: 2318-8413
Popis: This is a narrative review about the management of the psychoanalytic technical element of transference in the clinic of psychosis. It was developed in 2020, with clippings from the classic Freudian, Kleinian, Lacanian perspectives, and also other contemporary theoretical approaches, with the aim of presenting the concept of active transference as a possibility applied to the clinic of psychosis. It addressed the following thematic areas: Transference: Freud's technical invention, Transference according to Melanie Klein, Transference according to Lacan, The differential of transference in the clinic of psychoses, Transference in psychosis and contemporaries and Active transference - the acting of Love. In psychosis, active transference is direct, massive, objectal, it is an acting of love. The direction of treatment supported by active transference, integrated with other areas of knowledge, such as psychiatry, creative and projective techniques of psychology, and individual and group psychoanalytic listening, can help to significantly improve the quality of life of people in psychotic structure.
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