Untitled Item‘Weaving the Mashrabiya Pavilion’: A Mashrabiya-Inspired Pavilion Design based on Barycentric Subdivision

Autor: Iasef Md RIAN, Sebai, Humam Al, Abdalla, Salem Buhashima
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12514226.v1
Popis: This paper shares an experience of applying the barycentric subdivision method for designing andconstructing a rope-made steel-framed pavilion structure for Dubai Design Week 2018. Barycentricsubdivision subdivides a polygon into multiple triangles, and we used this geometric process iterativelywith each cell of a triangular grid that eventually resulted in a complex pattern resembling the Islamicpattern “mashrabiyas” that is frequently seen in the Arab region. This geometric outcome helped us todesign the mashrabiya pavilion targeted for 2018’s Dubai Design Week event which mainly exhibitssuch designs that display contemporary expressions rooted or emerged from regional traditions. Weapplied our barycentric-subdivision-based mashrabiya-like pattern to a hypar (hyperbolic paraboloid)structure for making the proposed pavilion structure. We used ropes for weaving the mashrabiyainspiredweb. We conducted structural analysis to ensure the structural feasibility and strength of thepavilion for the real-world installation. This paper outlines the structural analysis of the pavilion briefly.After a series of analysis, we constructed the pavilion at the University campus by the students as a partof their hands-on design workshop exercise, and finally moved and installed it at the main venue DubaiDesign District for the exhibition. The whole workflow of the design and construction process wasstrategically designed so that students can acquire studio-based learning as well as off-studio hands-onconstruction experience targeting for a prestigious exhibition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE