Evaluating Effects of Observational Data Assimilation in General Ocean Circulation Model by Ensemble Kalman Filtering: Numerical Experiments with Synthetic Observations

Autor: B. S. Strukov, V. N. Stepanov, Yu. D. Resnyanskii, A. A. Zelenko
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 46:94-105
ISSN: 1934-8096
Popis: The quality of simulation of model fields is analyzed depending on the assimilation of various types of data using the PDAF software product assimilating synthetic data into the NEMO global ocean model. Several numerical experiments are performed to simulate the ocean–sea ice system. Initially, free model was run with different values of the coefficients of horizontal turbulent viscosity and diffusion, but with the same atmospheric forcing. The model output obtained with higher values of these coefficients was used to determine the first guess fields in subsequent experiments with data assimilation, while the model results with lower values of the coefficients were assumed to be true states, and a part of these results was used as synthetic observations. The results are analyzed that are assimilation of various types of observational data using the Kalman filter included through the PDAF to the NEMO model with real bottom topography. It is shown that a degree of improving model fields in the process of data assimilation is highly dependent on the structure of data at the input of the assimilation procedure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE