Effect of antioxidants (taurine, cysteine, -tocopherol) on liquid preserved Kolbroek boar semen characteristics

Autor: F. Chatiza, P. W. Mokwena, T. L. Nedambale, C. Pilane
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: African Journal of Biotechnology. 17:65-72
ISSN: 1684-5315
DOI: 10.5897/ajb2016.15527
Popis: Successful artificial insemination depends on maintaining longevity of semen in the reproductive tract, and semen characteristics among others. The study compared efficacy of Androhep extender supplemented with 75 mM taurine, 5 m M-cysteine, or 200 mg/l alpha-tocophero on liquid preservation of Kolbroek boar semen characteristics over 24 and 48 h after storage at 17°C. Total motility was evaluated using computer aided sperm analyzer (CASA), viability using SYBR/propidium iodidemembrane function using HOST test and lipid peroxidation using the MDA test. Statistical analysis was done using PROC GLM procedure of SAS (1996). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Untreated samples showed higher sperm quality in terms of membrane integrity, functionality and motility. All antioxidant treated spermatozoa did not show increased longevity (p>0.05) after 48 h of storage compared with untreated samples. Supplementation of Androhep extender with antioxidants did not improve sperm survivability of kolbroek liquid preserved semen. Therefore, the antioxidants were ineffective in improving longevity of Kolbroek liquid preserved semen after 48 h storage at 17°C. Further studies are required to find the effective antioxidant concentration to elicit sperm protection for Kolbroek boar semen liquid preservation. Key words: Semen characteristics, longevity, lipid peroxidation.
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