Rain Drop Shapes and Scattering Calculations: A Case Study using 2D Video Disdrometer Measurements and Polarimetric Radar Observations at S-band During Hurricane Dorian Rain-Bands

Autor: Franz Teschl, David B. Wolff, Merhala Thurai, Sophie Steger, Michael Schönhuber
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
DOI: 10.23919/eucap51087.2021.9411181
Popis: On 9 September 2019, rain-bands of category-1 Hurricane Dorian passed over a ground instrumentation site in Delmarva peninsula, USA. Drop shapes derived from 2D Video Disdrometer measurements at this site were used to compute the S-band radar cross sections (RCS) for horizontal and vertical polarizations for each drop with equi-volume diameter > 2 mm. These are combined with RCS for the smaller drops assuming equilibrium shapes. Radar reflectivity (Z H ) and differential reflectivity (Z DR ) are calculated for each of the 3 minutes throughout the event which lasted for more than 8 hours. These are compared with simultaneous observations from an S-band polarimetric radar 38 km away. The comparisons highlight the impact of large amplitude drop oscillations on Z DR .
Databáze: OpenAIRE