Conductivity of metal (Al, Cu)-dielectric composites and modeling of the single- and multi-layer composite coatings for microwave applications

Autor: M. Rodionov, A. Machulyansky, B. Bondar, A. Borisova, Viktor Bovtun, Martin Kempa, Y. Yakimenko
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 2014 IEEE 34th International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO).
Popis: Dielectric and conductivity spectra of metal-dielectric composites (epoxy resin with Al and Cu nanoparticles) were studied at high frequencies from 10 6 to 2 ^10 9 Hz and analyzed in the model of Cole-Cole relaxation. The experimental and modeled dielectric spectra are used for simulation of reflection, transmission and absorption of the electromagnetic waves in a free space caused by the single- and multilayer composite coatings. Possible microwave applications of the coatings are analyzed and discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE