A Chu spaces semantics of control flow in BPEL

Autor: Chunxiao Xing, Xutao Du, Lizhu Zhou
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: APSCC
Popis: We present a Chu spaces semantics of typical control flow of BPEL including fault handling and link semantics. BPEL cf is proposed as a simplification of this subset of BPEL. For the compositional modeling of BPEL, we present a Chu spaces process algebra consisting of seven operators. These operators allow faults to be thrown at any point of execution and take link-based synchronization into consideration. We present the abstract syntax of BPEL cf , the semantic algebra, and the valuation functions for computing the Chu spaces denotation of BPEL cf programs. The valuation functions are straightforward because of the power of the Chu spaces process algebra.
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