Captación de 123I-MIBG en un hemangioma hepático en el estudio gammagráfico de una lesión suprarrenal

Autor: C. Pzeña Viloria, C. Sampol Bas
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear. 24:191-194
ISSN: 0212-6982
Popis: A 60 year old symptom free female in whom a lesion in left adrenal gland was found by chance in a CT scan is presented. She also had increased serum and urine catecholamines levels. 123I-MIBG scintigraphy showed a non-physiological uptake in right adrenal gland that is still seen in the delayed image, with normal left gland. MRI confirmed the presence of a mass in the left adrenal gland suggestive of an adenoma and found a lesion in the right hepatic area at the level of the previously seen MIBG image. This lesion was labelled as a hemangioma and would explain the findings of the isotopic study with MIBG. It must be considered as a false positive for phaechromocytoma. The increased catecholamine serum and urine levels were due to drug interactions.
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