Exclusion criteria

Autor: Lapierre, Nolwenn, Routhier, François, Huet-Fiola, Caroline, Gagnon, Martine, Labrie, Dylane, Côté, Claudie, Vincent-Blouin, Emilie, Laberge, Jacques, Rhéaume, Nathalie
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/mhrbc
Popis: Letter to the editor, reviews, theoretical papers, seminar papers, commentary pieces, book chapters and expert opinion pieces; Sources focusing only on children with disabilities; Sources focusing on people with intellectual disability; Sources focusing on people with autism spectrum disorders; Sources non focusing solely on adapted sports or physical activities; Sources focusing solely on physical activities performed through virtual reality or videogames.
Databáze: OpenAIRE