1.2.4 Gas-Assisted Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Gold Nanoelectrode Arrays in Electron-Beam Evaporated Alumina Films for Biosensing Applications

Autor: Papot Jaroenapibal, Napat Triroj, Roderic Beresford
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Proceedings IMCS 2012.
Popis: This work reports the fabrication details used to prepare gold nanoelectrode arrays in alumina substrates. The fabrication steps include electron-beam evaporation of 20-nm Ti and 300-nm thick Au for the electrode platform on a glass substrate, followed by electron-beam evaporation of 800-nm thick Al2O3 as a passivation layer. I2-assisted focused ion beam (FIB) milling is employed to create highaspect-ratio pores in the alumina films. The final pore size of 60-120 nm is achieved by ion beam sculpting after the initial milling process. The nanopores are then filled with Au via electrodeposition to obtain a nanoelectrode structure. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) responses of a standard redox species exhibit a nonclassical behavior of which a well-defined steady-state limiting current plateau is not observed.
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