Synthesis of triterpene and steroid glycosides

Autor: Lyubov N. Atopkina, N. I. Uvarova, G. B. Elyakov
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Carbohydrate Research. 83:33-42
ISSN: 0008-6215
Popis: The glycosylation of cholesterol, β-sitosterol, 28- O -acetylbetulin, and betulin with acylated glycosyl halides in the presence of Hg(OAc) 2 , Hg(CN) 2 , CdCO 3 , Ag 2 O, Ag 2 CO 3 , and HgO + HgBr 2 , usually gives acylated αβ-glycosides accompanied by acetates, ethers, and bromo and unsaturated derivatives of the initial alcohols. The use of Hg(CN) 2 gave mainly β anomers (40–87%), whereas α anomers preponderated when Hg(OAc) 2 was the catalyst. When there was a deficiency of hydrogen halide acceptor and in the presence of the acidic catalyst HgBr 2 · HBr, the β anomer, produced initially, underwent anomerisation. Cholesteryl α- D -gluco-pyranoside tetra-acetate (48 %) was obtained by anomerisation of the β anomer.
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