Investigation of turbulence transport in the heliosphere

Autor: G. P. Zank, N. N. Jetha, L. E. Kahre
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: Motivated by the development of a very general theoretical model describing the transport of turbulence throughout the heliosphere, we present a study of the turbulent and bulk properties of the solar wind. We investigate the bulk plasma flow speed, the bulk plasma density, various measures of the magnetic field turbulence and the flow speed turbulence. We use archival Voyager, Helios, and Ulysses data sets to explore low frequency solar wind turbulence properties throughout the heliosphere. We present results that describe the radial scaling of different measures related to magnetic field turbulence and turbulent velocity fluctuations.
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