The boundary of the Turonian and Coniacian of the North-Western Caucasus

Autor: E. V. Yakovishina, S. I. Bordunov, L. F. Kopaevich, E. A. Krasnova, D. A. Netreba
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Moscow University Bulletin. Series 4. Geology. :34-42
ISSN: 0579-9406
Popis: The results of a comprehensive study of the boundaries of the Turonian-Coniacian in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Abinsky region of the North-Western Caucasus, composed of rhythmically constructed carbonate strata of the hemipelagic type, are presented. Biostratigraphic analysis of foraminifera complexes made it possible to identify zones in the section that are comparable to those proposed for the Point of the Global Stratotype of the boundary of the Coniacian in Germany. On the basis of chemostratigraphic (isotopic) studies, the levels of abiotic events traced in the section and other territories have been established. The Shapsug section, after further study, can be proposed as a possible Hypostratotype (Limitotype) of the Turon-Coniacian boundary for the territory of the Russian Federation.
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