Dynamic studies of vortices in NbSe2, from single flux lines to lattices

Autor: Peter Ledel Gammel, C. A. Bolle, Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Flavio Pardo, Eli Zeldov, F. de la Cruz, David J. Bishop
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Physica C: Superconductivity. 332:160-165
ISSN: 0921-4534
Popis: We present different techniques to study the dynamics of the vortex lattice in NbSe2 single crystal samples. In the first set of experiments, we applied a field parallel to the c crystalline axis and extended the Bitter decoration technique to the study of dynamic structures by imaging the lattice during creep (“decoration during motion”). This method exposed a new smectic phase and an anisotropic “crystal” at higher fields. In the second set, we used a micro-mechanical high-Q oscillator to study the mesoscopic flux dynamics along the crystallographic ab plane. In this case, we were able to observe single vortex penetration, well described by a ‘1+1’-dimensional model.
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