Challenges in marketing channel selection by smallholder pineapple growers in Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia

Autor: N.B. Kamarul Zaman, A. Nahar, Nur Masriyah Hamzah, Abdul Rahman Saili, Zubaidah Yusop, F. Abdul Fatah
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Food Research. 4:77-85
ISSN: 2550-2166
Popis: Pineapples are very perishable and require an immediate sale to consumers. This has triggered the local growers to market their produce and rely on the middleman. Thus, this present study was conducted to identify the challenges that affect the marketing channel selection of smallholder pineapple growers in Samarahan, Sarawak. The primary data used for this study were collected from 123 smallholder pineapple growers using simple random sampling method with a well-structured close-ended questionnaire via face-toface survey. The descriptive analysis was used to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of the pineapple growers meanwhile exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using principal component analysis approach with orthogonal rotation (varimax) was used to reduce data to a smaller set of summary variables and to identify the structure of the relationship between the variables and the respondents. The findings revealed that five main challenges have caused pineapple growers to carefully select the marketing channel in marketing their produce namely; lack of market information; inefficient transportation; price volatility; market distance; and product perishability. Inadequate marketing information about supply and demand markets, potential buyers, bargaining, and negotiation have caused concerned for the pineapple growers to take the risk in marketing their produce to various customers. Lack of transportation facility and high transportation cost has caused the pineapple growers to sell their produce at the farm gate to reduce losses during the distribution channel. Moreover, the unstable pineapple price has created a risk to the growers due to its negative effect on farm income stability. Besides, the distance between farms and marketplace has significantly affected marketable surplus of pineapple fruits thus resorts to the growers to rely on the middleman to market their produce. Conclusively, all the challenges highlighted in this study should be given adequate attention by the relevant agencies to improve and continue their effective roles in the pineapple market and to enhance farmers’ livelihoods. This can be achieved by strengthening the fruit supply chain management, adopting comprehensive approaches such as policies, programs and strategies pertaining to the marketing of pineapple fruits that require a collective effort and commitment from the public and private sectors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE