Cereal β-D-glucans: From Biosynthesis and Breeding Possibilities to Food Processing Applications

Autor: Michaela Havrlentová, Václav Dvořáček, Lucie Jurkaninová, Veronika Gregusová
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: The paper summarizes the current knowledge about the structure, species, and content differ-ences of β-D-glucans as a storage and functional component, especially of cereal grains. The pa-per also provides comprehensive information on the biosynthesis of this plant cell wall polysac-charide, genetic and non-genetic factors influencing the content variability and indicates the pos-sibilities of breeding modern varieties with a defined content of this metabolite. The final part of the text is also devoted to the influence of significant technological processes applied to cere-als containing β-D-glucans. The chapter discusses the influence of these processes on the content and structure of the polysaccharide and the resulting changes in its physicochemical properties. Part of the discussed issue are the possibilities of effective application of β-D-glucans in different food products.
Databáze: OpenAIRE