Scanographie de la rate : anatomie normale, variantes et pièges

Autor: P. Karila-Cohen, V. Servois, S. Merran
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal de Radiologie. 88:549-558
ISSN: 0221-0363
DOI: 10.1016/s0221-0363(07)89854-4
Popis: Normally, the spleen is located in the left hypochondrium. It is attached by the gastrosplenic and splenorenal ligaments. Its tissue composition made up of red pulp and white pulp explains the heterogenous aspect when contrast medium is injected in the arterial phase. This can make it difficult to detect intrasplenic masses. The adult spleen has no lobulations or incisures; however, the persistence of fissures separating the fetal spleen's lobules can indicate splenic lacerations in a trauma context. The ectopic spleen is a migration of the spleen from its normal anatomic location because its ligaments have not developed properly. The spleen can migrate anywhere in the abdomen or pelvis. The accessory spleen can be found in 10% of the population; it is usually located near the hilum of the main spleen or the pacreatic tail. It can be located in many other places and be confused with a mass. Polysplenia is a complex congenital syndrome associating visceral heterotaxis and concomitant bilateral left-sidedness. The spleen is divided into several splenules of the same size. Splenosis is defined by the implantation of splenic tissues in the peritoneum following traumatic rupture of the spleen.
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