Effectivity of a joint didactic intervention by School for Patients on inappropriate control prothrombin time anticoagulated patients. Protocol for developing a randomized and controlled clinical trial

Autor: Antonio Baca-Osorio, Leovigildo Ginel-Mendoza, Francisco Javier Navarro-Moya, María Paz Fernandez-Lara, Diego Lozano-Noriega, Juana Morales-Naranjo, Rafael Poyato-Ramos, Miguel Gutierrez-Jansen, Cristina Bandera-García, Ulises Salgado-Carvallo, Rocio Reina-Gonzalez, Inmaculada Lupiáñez-Pérez, Alfonso Hidalgo Hidalgo-Natera
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Background Oral anticoagulant drugs represent an essential tool in thrombo-embolic events prevention. Most used are vitamin K antagonists, whose plasma level is monitored by measuring prothrombin time using the International Normalized Ratio. If it takes values out of the recommended range, the patient will have a higher risk of suffering from thromboembolic or hemorrhagic complications. Previous research has shown that about 33% of total patients keep values on inappropriate level. The purpose of the study is to improve International Normalized Ratio control figures by a joint didactic intervention based on the Junta de Andalucía School for Patients method that will be implemented by anticoagulated patients themselves. Methods A randomized clinical trial was carried out at primary care centers from one healthcare area in Málaga (Andalusia, Spain). Study population: patients included in an oral anticoagulant therapy program consisting in using vitamin K antagonists. First step detection of patients on oral anticoagulation program with International Normalized Ratio control on therapeutic level during 65% or less over total time. Second step: patients with inappropriate International Normalized Ratio control were included in two groups: Group 1 or Joint Intervention Group: patients were instructed a joint didactic intervention “from peer to peer”, by a previously trained and expert anticoagulated patient. Group 2 or Control Group: Control group performed usual clinical practice: people were schedule by nurses about one time per month, except cases in which controls were inappropriate; in those circumstances patients were schedule before that period expired. In order to built the study group and the control group, 312 individuals were required (156 in each group) to detect differences in INR figures equal or higher than 15% between both groups. Study variables time on therapeutic levels before and after intervention, sociodemographic variables, vital signs, existence of cardiovascular risk factors or accompanying diseases in the clinical records, laboratory test including complete blood count, bleeding time, and prothrombin time or partial thromboplastin time and blood chemistry, other prescribed drugs, and social support. Almost-experimental analytic study with before-after statistical analysis of the intervention were made. Lineal regression models were applied on main variables results (International Normalized Ratio value, time on therapeutic level) inputting sociodemographic variables, accompanying diseases and social support.
Databáze: OpenAIRE